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The EV Fire Box


Stops The Thermal Runaway Event during an Electric Vehicle Fire

What is the purpose of the EV Firebox?

To ensure that firefighters have a fast efficient process whereby a fully involved electric vehicles lithium ion batteries inferno can be extinguished quickly and the batteries cooled. This prevents the toxic vapors from entering the atmosphere and reduces the extreme heat caused by the thermal runaway event while also containing the contaminated cooling water for easy removal by a hazardous material contractor.

The EV firebox is a patent pending portable electric vehicle fire containment unit designed by a firefighter to protect firefighters as well as other first responders in the event of an electrical vehicle thermal runaway. The burning vehicle is pulled into the EV fire box by a 16.5 TI Warn industrial winch. The EV firebox is flooded with water as circulating motors turn the cooling waters around the lithium ion batteries bringing the cells to a pre ignition temperature. This captures the toxic gases as well as eliminates the intense heat created during the event. The contaminated waters are contained inside of the EV firebox for hazardous material contractors pump out and removal. Thus preventing groundwater contamination

Stops Ev Fire Thermal Runaway

Protects Firefighters

The EV firebox is a patent pending portable electric vehicle fire containment unit designed by a firefighter to protect firefighters as well as other first responders in the event of an electrical vehicle thermal runaway.

Extinguishes Toxic Fumes

The EV firebox is flooded with water as circulating motors turn the cooling waters around the lithium ion batteries bringing the cells to a pre ignition temperature. This captures the toxic gases as well as eliminates the intense heat created during the event. The contaminated waters are contained inside of the EV firebox for hazardous material contractors pump out and removal. Thus preventing toxic fumes and groundwater contamination.

Stops Groundwater Contamination

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